Reserved India...
The Government has proposed quota for Other Backward Castes(OBC) in 20 central funded universities,which includes IITs and IIMs.This will take the total reservation in such colleges to 49.5%.
Now lets picture this from a normal OC student's perspective.I have given the CAT exam this year to get into the prestigious IIMs.I have seen that many of my friends though deserving have not been able to get past the written exam even though they have a very good percentile-much much more than the SC/ST students.Both the category of students have gone to the same coaching institute and had access to the same study material.Then why this reservation which keeps students from a different caste at an advantage?Isn't this harsh on the OCs?What is their fault if they are born in an apparently better caste family?
We really need to do a reality check here first before anybody proposes an increase in the seats.The reservation was started for the upliftment of the backward less priviliged class.Why should students who come from an economically sound background take advantage of this reservation?They would have gone to the best coaching institute,then they should get the seat out of merit.So many meritorious candidates lose out.
IITs and IIMs are the best institutes in India where lakhs of students give the entrance exam every year.By increasing the reservation , it'll make it all the more difficult for them to compete where as the backward class students comparitively with lesser effort will secure the seat.It is sheer injustice.
I donot understand another aspect.If a person secures an IIM seat on the basis of his caste, because of such excellent education he gets a good job and will be financially sound by the time his children grow up.Now his children are definately not 'under privileged' in any way.But because he passes on his 'caste' to his children they too can take advantage of the reservation thereby preventing a meritorious candidate from getting his due.I think that this is an 'un-due' advantage to them.
What we need is reservation not based on the caste but based on the economic status of a family, where the poorer people maynot have access to the study material and thus may not do well to secure the seat.There are many OCs who are economically more backward than the SC/STs who take advantage of this reservation.Or another alternative is to provide the 'under priviliged' with the same study material and offer them scholarships to enroll in the top coaching institutes,it'll get all the students on the same platform.Now conduct the entrance exam and give only the meritorious candidates the seat.
Increase in reservation may also badly affect the quality of these institutes, which is another area of concern.I really wish that all of us protest against such an injustice even if we are directly not getting affected by such an increase in reservation.
Now lets picture this from a normal OC student's perspective.I have given the CAT exam this year to get into the prestigious IIMs.I have seen that many of my friends though deserving have not been able to get past the written exam even though they have a very good percentile-much much more than the SC/ST students.Both the category of students have gone to the same coaching institute and had access to the same study material.Then why this reservation which keeps students from a different caste at an advantage?Isn't this harsh on the OCs?What is their fault if they are born in an apparently better caste family?
We really need to do a reality check here first before anybody proposes an increase in the seats.The reservation was started for the upliftment of the backward less priviliged class.Why should students who come from an economically sound background take advantage of this reservation?They would have gone to the best coaching institute,then they should get the seat out of merit.So many meritorious candidates lose out.
IITs and IIMs are the best institutes in India where lakhs of students give the entrance exam every year.By increasing the reservation , it'll make it all the more difficult for them to compete where as the backward class students comparitively with lesser effort will secure the seat.It is sheer injustice.
I donot understand another aspect.If a person secures an IIM seat on the basis of his caste, because of such excellent education he gets a good job and will be financially sound by the time his children grow up.Now his children are definately not 'under privileged' in any way.But because he passes on his 'caste' to his children they too can take advantage of the reservation thereby preventing a meritorious candidate from getting his due.I think that this is an 'un-due' advantage to them.
What we need is reservation not based on the caste but based on the economic status of a family, where the poorer people maynot have access to the study material and thus may not do well to secure the seat.There are many OCs who are economically more backward than the SC/STs who take advantage of this reservation.Or another alternative is to provide the 'under priviliged' with the same study material and offer them scholarships to enroll in the top coaching institutes,it'll get all the students on the same platform.Now conduct the entrance exam and give only the meritorious candidates the seat.
Increase in reservation may also badly affect the quality of these institutes, which is another area of concern.I really wish that all of us protest against such an injustice even if we are directly not getting affected by such an increase in reservation.
At 11:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
amma divya i m leaving my comment
smile plz
wat u have said is absolutely correct many merit students are not able to reach their deserved place coz of this ... especially in iits i felt the solution that ya put for ward is good and i guess it can be brought to implementation ..i never though abt this problem so seriously as ya focussed it now .. its time to think for me now
good that u are putting on issues that our country should fight upon
keep on writing such articles.. it would be benificial for others also ... and people wil atleast start thinking now ...
i rate this ***** 5star
love swathi priya
ur good junior
At 11:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
actually divya u gave me a very sad dont feel like appreciating ur blog.....but anyhow thanks for the concern(guess u got me)...and regarding ur point on providing reservation only to the economically backward classes...thats a very very cliched view i suppose..
aneways..cant we do sumthing with this....why r those ppl behaving in such a dumb way...and moreover a guy who has reservation and has topped the exam is given a seat in open category...that makes it even more worser.....nonsense
At 11:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
well this reservation is well a Big issue for v OC's..i really do think tht reservations shd b given out on economic status rather than caste system.......when will the gov get tht!!
At 11:52 AM,
Divya Rao said…
@swati priya-(am smilin!)thanks for the compliment..hope this reservation thing never gets implemented
@pavan-ya forgot to mention tht view abt bc's gettin open category seat..its horrible:(
@aporva-maybe we'l make govt read the thousands of blogs written against reservation;)
At 4:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well Divya.. 100% right you are.. You mentioned the problem of benefits passing on to different generations of same family.. One the same lines I would like to add, that be it any kind of reservation ( caste or on economic basis ), it should be given to only one generation of a family!
On a lighter note, I wud have to choose another topic for starting my blog :-( All I had to say, almost all of it is already here... You write well !
Keep the gud work on ..
At 9:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
hiii...i am sandeep(pavan's friend).this is a good topic to discuss upon...and the other day i cud see in one of the TV program a discussion on this guy among them was talking sooooo foolishly that i felt like hitiing him black and blue.he says"merit is nonsense and if u dont have a good language and money...u r a zero" can ppl talk such nonsense.
At 10:22 PM,
Divya Rao said…
@abhinav-thanks..but i'm sure once u start bloggin u'l give me a complex;) hey the one generation idea is great but wonder how we'l implement it with so much corruption around:(
@sandeep-i think i saw it too..the way the guy said-"govt should'v done this long ago..but anyways better late than never" its really pathetic,esp to watch their celebrations in patna!
At 5:04 AM,
Aditya said…
well, every blogger has got to write a post on this i guess... neways nice post!!!!! sounds quite familiar tho'... have seen similar cliched stuff on almost every blog.... hence decided to keep myself away from such topic
At 12:25 PM,
shriesh said…
My first visit here, came from IIML class of 2008 comm. on orkut.
I dont support reservations either, but the arguments you have given...
no offence please, i think are too cliche.
I dont have a blog on this subject yet, but to keep quite with so much ruckus going arnd me, is just not my type.
And, though cliche your arguments are the true.
At 4:20 PM,
Myndfcukd said…
agree with a few of the previous comments. cliched arguments. I have a pro-reservation post on my blog where I have tried to make unbiased arguments in support. you may choose to respond to them.
At 7:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Divs.
The debate on this issue has persisted for decades. The important points to note are:
1. Reservation (affirmative action) is intended to address the inherent socio-cultural inequalities prevalent in our economy.
2. While I agree that the financial status of a family is an important fact to consider when providing admission I think the argument that these inequalities can be completely fixed/resolved with our current policies is retarded.
3. Reservation can be 'need' based. The problem then becomes how we can determine need.
4. It is a complex issue and the upliftment of backward classes must be viewed from a larger perspective than that of providing a free pass to the countries best colleges.
In my opinion reservation is a necessary evil. While it might be sad/unfair/cruel to deny admission to qualified people who deserve to be in an institution we have to also understand that there is no robust way of determining someone's social/economic standing. It is a complex issue and as a general rule, lower castes do statistically earn less and have less prospects than others.
The way I see it the occasional rich Dalit who gets into IIM is the price we pay for centuries of neglect and discrimination against lower castes.
At 4:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well you only mentioned the reservation based on caste. What about the reservation based on Gender? Do you really think women deserve reservation?
And why should poeple with lower economic status be given reservation? Not every poor kid in the country is meritorious. These ppl can be given loans to support education.
Finally, you say, "But because he passes on his 'caste' to his children they too can take advantage of the reservation..". You're forgetting that these were the people who were called untouchables, who were only allowed to stay outside the village by the so-called higher caste people. These people had to drink from seperate wells and they were not even allowed to breathe the same air as others because of their so called "caste". You probably see the irony, now that you're on the wrong side.
Either way, i'm not for reservation. But you seem quite strong in your reaction. While i understand your concern, i dont quite understand your inability to empathise the feelings of the underpriviledged.
At 12:11 PM,
Divya Rao said…
@anonymous-i do emphatise with them.. its just that i feel that reservation should be need-based and so done on the basis of economic status and not on caste.yes agreed that the backward caste ppl were asked to stay outside the village .. but present day i dont think anybody is differentiated on basis of caste.. i am not against reservation..i'm against reservation on basis of caste.. so the backward caste students who are still deprived of the basic stuff will still fall under the "economically backward" and wil be benefitted..if its on caste it even results in exploitation of the system.thats what i tried to convey in the blog
At 7:01 PM,
Unknown said…
madam, great post .. right issues raised... I got so motivated that I am planning to write on it very soon...will be glad if u consider my post for ur perusal.
At 10:01 PM,
Divya Rao said…
@Aditya-great analysis bhai!but i wonder if a rich dalit gettin seat is an 'occasional' incident anymore..
@kapil-i will surely consider;)
At 7:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Divya..
you have written a good article but it is not that much appreciating. you have written the article in a very biased mind towards oc's. think about the pros and cons of reservation not from your perspective but from whole India's population.
you have said that reservation should be given based on economic status. yes there are some sc/st people who are rich and some oc people who are poor, i agree with
your point but compare the percentage of people who are rich in sc/st and oc categories. it will be an inverse ratio.
the govt is providing reservation based on percentage of poor people in a community.
why govt is providing reservation to girls in technical institutes in andhra pradesh and some states in india even though the girls came from a very rich back ground and enjoyed all the facilities same as the boys. because girls were oppressed by men some thousand years back, and they were deprived of education in our history. you can guess the ratio of boys and girls in a class if reservation is not provided to would be hardly 5 percent. and India said to be developed only if all the people are developed. if reservation is not provided to girls we can say that India is just 50% developed.
if reservation is given based on the economic status then the sons of all rich land lords and rich business persons enjoy facility of reservation. just think why this happens? because these people don't show proper records and they dont pay taxes to govt. it is hard to measure who are rich and who are poor. govt is giving reservation to obc/sc/st people because most of the people in this community are poor.
how india would be after 500 years if you dont provide reservation to sc/st's and obc's? what the status of these people
will be? after 500 years you can say india is a developed country but only 30 % developed as 70 % people in india are sc/st's and obcs (just considering hindu's) according to the indian population. if you want indian population statistics just search google. and their state will be even more deterioted than today because rich people become more rich and poor people become more poor and it is hard to do incredible feats by this reserved community to become rich.
you say that sc/st people lack quality as you have experienced at IIML (here quality means people who got seats with low percentiles).yes I agree with this point also most people lack quality
but not all, let's say 80% people lack quality, this itself says that this community is still underdeveloped and cant compete with open category people in present India. reservations are removed only when reserved people are well able to compete the open category.
why these people are not able to compete? do they lack intelligence? if you want answers to these questions, just do study our dark ages Indian civilisation, not the history written in our social studies books (search it on internet). our history was written by forward caste people according to their wish but not by obc/sc/st people as these people lack education from past 2500 years to 1950 AD, so read the real history of India. how these people were crushed in India, in the same way women were crushed in india but women were given some respect.
do you know that sc/st people lack social status in present days too? untouchablity days are gone but untouchability
transformed into caste feeling these days.
just think of you like to marry an sc/st guy/girl? how much psychotic ill feeling do you have towards sc/st people. thanks if you dont have any pyschotic ill feeling but just think how many oc people think in this way. not only marriage there are many social barriers still present among these people in india.
these people dont want any sympathy from you. they want their social status back and it can be attained only by getting a high quality education and education removes this social barriers among the people.
reservation is to uplift the weaker sections economically and in the long run to eliminate caste system from india.
these people want both economic status and social status (removal of caste feeling). economic status can be attained by taking advantage of reservation but social status is hard to attain.
you can't elminate the caste system from India by removing reservations. caste system in india can be eliminated only by
removing the psychotic ill feeling of all people in india. this pyschotic feeling can be eliminated by providing high quality education to reserved people as I said in previous paragraph. once the psychotic ill feeling of all people is eliminated that day will be end to the caste system and reservations in India. totally logical.
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