My Journey...

Of events and incidents that affect me...

Monday, March 27, 2006

ALLGOs Cancelled...

Allgos= ALL-GO-RHYTHMS… our annual cultural festival at Osmania University. This year its cancelled, well not that it affects me as I wouldn’t have ‘actively’ participated in it for reasons best unknown! But it reminded me of the scene in Rang de Basanti where an ABVP/SFI (Akhil Bhartiya Vidya Parishad/Students Federation of India who are responsible for quite a few boycotts in college which we inturn utilized it constructively;) )type of an activist spoils the ‘masti ki pathshaala’ of the ‘cool dudes’. Well something similar has apparently happened in our college.. they threatened to have a ‘RAASTHA ROKO’ (where they’ll just sit off on road and cause inconvenience to everybody till the college is forced to listen to them) if the juke-box is allowed at the festival.
Now jukebox is one event which is enjoyed by the majority guys of my college.. where they dance(if I can call it that!) on the steps of our main building with loud music (which sometimes hurts!) and do nothing more than just jump and jump and jump the full day.
Now our ABVP friends have objected to this juke-box and have ‘given permission’ to have an ALLGOS without jukebox.Our college guys didn’t agree-So it stands cancelled.
A lot like the movie right?Here too the ABVP guys feel that its not part of our tradition etc.
Now I don’t know if this influence of ABVP on college students is good for them or not.. but I’ll surely miss looking at the guys jumping on the steps ,feeling good about themselves with their ‘new moves’. It can get quite hilarious sometimes to see even the most padaaku junior doing something funny, and though the festival in our college may not be as good as an iitian or a bitsian one, at least in these three days we get to meet fellow students from other departments and basically have fun.I think with juke box or without, we should’ve had our cultural festival.
And if I can add a paragraph on the movie-Rang de Basanti.. I liked it a lot.(Some do say that nowadays I tend to like ALL the movies after I saw ‘neel n nikki’ as tend to compare movies with that one so I end up liking all the movies!).The revolutionary part was also well made, well I felt like becoming a ‘rebel’ after the movieJ I think it’s a ‘must-see’ for all. But well, not everybody liked it. I forced my father to go to the movie and I got to know later from my mother that he slept throughout the movie- well almost.So he wasn’t even awake when the defense minister was killed and so came back and told me that the movie had no story!!!(we laughed full evening when he told us that!)


  • At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Allgos seems to have ALL GONE... where is the rhythm? dont bother about the ABCs n just go on with ur cultural festival.
    mr.ABVP/SFI... is enjoying & having fun not part of our tradition???

  • At 10:18 PM, Blogger Divya Rao said…

    @sudheer-yes sir!u did recommend the movie-continue to do so..
    @sagar-i hated neel n nikki,i thot everybody did.we need to have a chat;)

    @divya-hi akka!hey i wonder if you'l ever had a problem with abvp/sfi in ur med college

  • At 12:57 AM, Blogger poloju_Brahmeshwar said…

    yaa i do agree tat they should conducted the algos w/o jukebox...but i feel strongly ttat algos and juke box(On the steps) are synoymous....w/o juke box algos will loose its glory..and abt nap of ur father wonder in takin a nap while watchin the first half of the movie!!!

  • At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, I dont find ABVP's mistake here. The fault is with the admin. of OU engg college. Why at all should they permit ABVP to conduct Srujana? and why should they listen to ABVP? if ABVP threatens to stop the program, the police are there to take care of them. I know it spoils the image of the inst., but there is no other way if you would want to eliminate their interference.

    And Divya, RDB as I already said was awesome to watch. Though to me, it dint make an impact of Swades or Indian(Bharateeyudu). The greatest assets of the movie are superb music and brilliant cinematography coupled with crisp editing. I would give an Oscar to Nakul Kamte for his outstanding sound design. And all the actors performed amazingly well.

    Well I was disappointed by the storyline. The screenplay was confusingly slow paced in the first half. It becomes unrealistic in the second half.

    Anyways, the comparision between OU and RDB is a bit apt. But, I am sure there is no Atul Kulakarni here!!

  • At 9:46 AM, Blogger Divya Rao said…

    @brahmeshwar-i expected a typical ou guy to say tht jukebox n algo's are closely related..but was it good to sacrifice the entire big festival for the cause of one event??(the event tht too enjoyed mainly by guys!)
    @vijay-:)reg abvp-guess with the 'upgrading to iit' proposal doing the rounds the admin doesnt want to take any chances..


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